Cherokee County - Ninth Circuit Court of Alabama

Court Type:Circuit Court
Street Address:100 West Main St
Zip Code:35960
Hours:Monday - Friday: 8:00am – 4:00pm (excluding 12:00pm - 1:00pm)
Website URL:
Judge:Hon. Shaunathan Clint Bell
Clerk:Dwayne Amos
Parking:Parking is available around the courthouse. We also have a new parking lot located across the street on the east side of the courthouse in front of the Sheriff’s Department. There is no charge for parking.
Restrictions:You may bring your phone and pager in the courtroom, but they must be turned on vibrate. You may return your phone calls on break. Should your family have an emergency you can be reached by calling the Clerk's Office at (256) 927-3637. You will be located and your message relayed. PLEASE NOTE: CELL PHONES WITH CAMERA FEATURE ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE COURTROOM.