Montgomery County - Fifteenth Circuit Court of Alabama

Court Type:Circuit Court
Street Address:251 S Lawrence St
Zip Code:36104
Hours:Monday - Friday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Website URL:
Judge:Hon. Jimmy B. Pool
Clerk:Gina Jobe Ishman
Parking:Parking is limited around the courthouse. Park in the deck at Scott and Lawrence Streets. The court will not reimburse you for parking citations.
Directions:If you are in the Montgomery County Area: At I-65 Exit 172B, Turn LEFT (East) onto SR-108 (Bell St) Bear RIGHT (South-East) onto SR-108 (Molton St) Turn LEFT (North-East) onto SR-108 (Bibb St) Continue (East) on SR-108 (Madison Ave) Turn RIGHT (South) onto (n) Lawrence St End: Arrive 251 S Lawrence St, Montgomery AL, 36104