Clarke County - First Judicial Ciruit of Alabama

Court Type:Circuit Court
Street Address:114 Court Street
City:Grove Hill
Zip Code:36451
Hours:Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Website URL:
Judge:Hon. Gaines C. McCorquodale
Judge Phone:251-275-8363
Clerk:Summer Padgett
Parking:Metered parking is available on the streets surrounding the Judicial Building.
Languages:English Only
Special Access:Please direct your inquiry to the appropriate court of service. The Supreme Court, Court of Civil Appeals, and Court of Criminal Appeals all reside at 300 Dexter Avenue, Montgomery, Alabama 36104. Email access is not provided. Here are the telephone numbers: Supreme Court: 334.229.0700 Court of Civil Appeals: 334.229.0733 Court of Criminal Appeals: 334.229.0751