Elmore County - Nineteenth Circuit Court of Alabama

Court Type:Circuit Court
Street Address:8935 U.S. Highway 231 N.
Zip Code:36092
Hours:Monday - Friday: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Website URL:http://elmore.alacourt.gov/
Judge:Hon. Sibley Reynolds
Clerk:Brian Justiss
Restrictions:The following items are not allowed in the 19th Judicial Circuit Courthouses. (List subject to change; each court has local rules as well) No lighters, matches or anything that will light a fire. No knives, or anything that is sharp, pointed or edged including knitting needles. No fingernail files that are 3 inches in length or longer; no scissors of any type or length. No pepper spray, mace or tasers. No guns of any type. No Cellphones or Recording Devices